Affirmation: “I express myself from a place of love, truth, and peace. I am protected and in alignment for my highest greatest good.”
Chakras: ALL
Element: Earth, Air
Zodiacs: Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio
- Highly sought after and unique stone.
- Turquoise has a soft and comforting vibration.
- An effective stone for anyone suffering with depression, panic attacks, or social anxiety.
- Dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.
- Recommended to be worn by those who fear public speaking as it promotes clean and calm communication with others.
- Heals the emotional body and brings feelings of inner peace, calmness, and serenity in times of need.
- Enhances intuition and brings great wisdom.
- Highly Protective stone and a totem/amulet of great fortune.
Carribean Turquoise 3 layer chip bracelet